GREEN BRANDS is an international, independent and autonomous brand evaluation organization with headquarters in Veitsbronn (Germany, near Nuremberg) and further branches in Hamburg, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Ljubljana, Bratislava, Sofia and Bologna. ecos now manages the GREEN BRANDS headquarters in Basel, represents GREEN BRANDS in Switzerland and supports the development of GREEN BRANDS Switzerland.

GREEN BRANDS recognizes – in cooperation with independent research institutions and companies in the environmental/climate protection and sustainability sector – ecologically sustainable brands and awards the GREEN BRANDS seal of approval. The quality seal is a registered EU guarantee mark for ecological sustainability and recognizes brands that demonstrably strive to protect the environment, climate, nature and biodiversity and use natural resources responsibly.

GREEN BRANDS thus honors the commitment of brands to ecological responsibility in a comprehensive and unique way. The three-stage process for awarding ecologically sustainable brands is possible for companies, products, foodstuffs and service providers.


  • Management of the Swiss office
  • Communication
  • Sustainability marketing
  • Switzerland-wide development of an international warranty brand
  • Application of sustainability standards, sustainability certifications