6th International Conference on Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature

Eco-Architecture implies a new approach to the design process intended to harmonise its products with nature. This involves ideas such as minimum use of energy at each stage of the building process, taking into account the amount required during the extraction and transportation of materials, their fabrication, assembly, building erection, maintenance and eventual future recycling.

Feuer in den Alpen 2016 – «Berggebiete mit Kultur»

Diverse Orte in der Schweiz , United States

Mit diesen solidarischen Höhenfeuern wird seit 1988 alljährlich ein internationales Zeichen gesetzt für die Erhaltung des natürlichen und kulturellen Erbes des Alpenraumes sowie gegen die Zerstörung des Oekosystemes Alpen.

10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference

Interlaken , United States

The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists from different disciplines to work towards an integrated view on the global cycle of carbon in the Earth System.

novatlantis Bauforum Zürich 2016 – Erfolgskontrolle nachhaltiges Bauen

ETH Zürich (Alumni-Pavillon) / Schweiz , United States

Lohnen sich Investitionen in nachhaltiges Bauen und hält die Gebäudeeffizienz im Betrieb, was die Planung verspricht? Diesen und anderen Fragen rund um das Thema Erfolgskontrolle nachhaltiges Bauen geht das novatlantis Bauforum nach.

SHIFT Zurich: Bioinspired Innovation and Finance

Zürich , Schweiz

The SHIFT  guiding theme is "Lightweight construction and materials, applied in industry and architecture." A SHIFT Zurich highlight is the presentation of Michael Pawlyn’s bioinspired 3D Printing & Lightweight Design Exhibition by Exploration Architecture from London/UK. These insights provide tangible business and investment opportunities for participants, thus accelerating the path towards low carbon prosperity and a […]

Stockholm World Water Week 2016


World Water Week  is the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues. This year, the theme is “Water for Sustainable Growth“

5th International Degrowth Conference

Budapest , United States

Degrowth researchers and practitioners gathering at this conference focus on issues related to the breaching of environmental limits of civilizational self-reproduction and the failure of economic infrastructures to provide a dignified existence for whole communities and societies.

IWE Istanbul Water Expo 2016

Istanbul, Turkey , United States

The Conference will bring together a comprehensive range of the latest technologies and developments in sustainable utilization of water resources, water management, water and wastewater treatment and reuse of water on the same platform.

4th World Collaborative Mobility Congress „wocomoco“

Warsaw , United States

The Congress wishes to drive social change forward towards the creation of sustainable, efficient mobility and is therefore promoting dialogue on the theme from the political, economic and social aspects.



The conference aims to explore the dynamics of existing and emerging forms of urban gardening in Europe and beyond. This is timely in the wake of the contemporary and projected social, economic and environmental changes and challenges faced by cities.

14. Holzenergie-Symposium

ETH Zurich

Am diesjährigen Symposium werden die neuesten Entwicklungen aus Gesetzgebung, Forschung und Anwendung vorgestellt.

Climate Chance: Climate Actors World Summit

Nantes, France , United States

Local authorities, businesses, associations, trade unions, the scientific community and citizens are invited to this meeting, which should enable a global plan of action to be drawn up, offer more in-depth discussions on both achievements and obstacles, encourage the sharing of experiences and innovations, as well as highlight the opportunities emerging from this resolute fight […]

Ressourcen Forum Schweiz 2016

Zürich Dübendorf, Empa

Schwerpunkt  der  Schweizer Plattform für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen ist: von der Energie- zur Rohstoffwende. Das Forum vernetzt Entscheidungsträger aus Politik und Wirtschaft, sowie Akteure der Forschungslandschaft Schweiz.