Sustainability reporting and management University Hospital Basel
ecos has been supporting the University Hospital Basel (USB) since 2019 in setting up systematic sustainability management, including sustainability reporting. As the largest healthcare center in Northwestern Switzerland, the USB’s declared aim is to continuously reduce its ecological footprint and to set an example in terms of social sustainability.
A materiality analysis in accordance with GRI formed the basis for the structure of the sustainability reporting. In collaboration with a USB project team, the key topics for environmental reporting were first defined. Building on this, an environmental mission statement was developed in several workshops with representative groups of the University Hospital’s staff, which sets out the USB’s vision with regard to environmental protection and formulates the relevant core elements and messages. Finally, the first environmental report was drawn up for 2019, which shows the status quo of important environmental data such as energy consumption and waste volumes at the USB. Existing environmental protection measures and areas with potential for improvement were made visible. An environmental protection strategy was developed on the basis of the environmental mission statement and the key topics as well as the experience gained with the first environmental report. This should serve to gradually put the vision formulated in the mission statement into practice over the coming years and thus effectively improve the USB’s ecological footprint.
For 2020, the environmental report was expanded to include the social dimension to create a sustainability report, including a materiality analysis for the social issues. The sustainability report will now be published annually, while the sustainability strategy and management will be further developed and systematized in the ecological and social dimensions. Here ecos acts as a sparring partner.
- Sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards
- Participatory development of environmental mission statement and environmental protection strategy
“Serious, transparent sustainability reporting is in good hands with an agency that has authentically made sustainability the core of its mission since 1987. At Basel University Hospital, we are very satisfied with the competent support we receive from ecos when it comes to GRI standards, materiality analyses, the preparation of key figures and other sustainability reporting topics.”
Dr. Christian Abshagen
Head of Sustainability Unit, University Hospital Basel