Sustainability analysis

A well-founded sustainability analysis forms the basis for any sustainability strategy. How sustainable and future-proof is your organization currently positioned? We help you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your current sustainability opportunities and risks as well as external requirements and industry trends based on various analyses.

SDG Assessment
Based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we work with you to identify and prioritize your organization’s sustainability opportunities and risks. This enables us to identify the relevant focus for your sustainability strategy.

Benchmark analysis
Your sustainability activities are compared with those of your relevant peer organizations, thus showing in which areas your organization can position itself in the market.

Materiality analysis
What are the key issues and what requirements do specific stakeholder groups place on your organization? We help you to focus on the essentials and – where necessary – to meet regulatory requirements.

Regulatory gap analysis
Our team analyzes the current status of your organization with regard to certain legal requirements and shows how any gaps can be closed.

Risk analysis of product groups
Together with partners, we subject your products and services to a risk analysis based on legal requirements and general criticality with regard to sustainability.

Greenhouse gas accounting / carbon accounting
Together with partners, ecos quantifies your organization’s environmental footprint using industry-leading standards and develops the basis for tailor-made strategies to reduce emissions. For SMEs, we offer accompanying advice on the use of the ESG2GO rating and reporting tool.

The sustainability analysis forms a clear decision-making basis for the next steps towards a holistically sustainable organization. This includes a sustainability strategy with specific targets, measures and key performance indicators to monitor progress.

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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are also relevant for companies. One of Switzerland’s sub-goals is that companies domiciled and/or operating in Switzerland conduct their business activities in Switzerland and abroad in a responsible manner, particularly with regard to working conditions, human rights and the environment.


Do you want to get started?

We are here to help you! For a free initial virtual consultation, please leave us a message. Our team looks forward to helping you with your concerns and questions.