Mobility Week Basel

Mobility Week raises awareness and motivates the population of Basel and the surrounding area to adopt sustainable mobility behavior. The multi-day event will also showcase the diversity of urban mobility with numerous free hands-on activities.

Client: Office for Mobility, Building and Transport Department of the Canton of Basel-Stadt

Project period: since 2022

The Basel Mobility Week is a campaign organized by the Office for Mobility of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and has been taking place for more than 10 years as part of the European Mobility Week. In close cooperation with around 50 partners from the field of sustainable mobility, ecos is designing the multi-day festival program in the city centre on behalf of the Office for Mobility. Various free activities and city tours focusing on innovative, resource-saving, climate-friendly and city-friendly mobility invite you to discover new things in the field of mobility.

ecos is also responsible for the entire further organization, including permits, site planning, supporting program with live music and food & beverage on the festival grounds, as well as the implementation and follow-up of the major event.
In addition, a wide-ranging online and offline communication mix (including flyers, posters, website, blog posts, newsletter, social media, radio, streetcar and bus advertising), multiplied via the various partners, makes the Mobility Week visible to a broad public.


  • Eventmanagement
  • Multi-Stakeholder-Management
  • Communication
  • Fundraising