Françoise Jirgens
Project Manager

Françoise is Head of Business Sustainability Consulting. She has several years of experience in the development and implementation of sustainability and communication strategies as well as the development of sustainability reporting in companies. She has already gained extensive expertise in various companies and sectors, from listed specialty chemicals to Swiss NGOs – including as an independent consultant – in an international environment. Thanks to her multilingual education and time spent abroad, she is fluent in German, French, and English.

Françoise studied Business Administration with a focus on marketing at the University of Applied Sciences Landshut and Corporate Communications at the University of Strasbourg. She also holds a master’s degree in Ethnology from the University Robert Schuman in Strasbourg.

  • sustainability strategies
  • Sustainability and regulatory analyses
  • Sustainability reporting and data
  • Multistakeholder project management
  • Change Management

• Tech Park Basel
• Heiniger