Our team is made up of experts from various disciplines who use their individual skills and experience for the common goal of a more sustainable future.


Benedikt Elmaleh

Benedikt Elmaleh

IT Staff

Tobias Meier

Tobias Meier

Project Manager

Marco Grossmann

Marco Grossmann

Partner, Member of the Executive Board

Amelie Sester

Amelie Sester


Mareike Kremling

Mareike Kremling

Project Manager

Hannes Degen

Hannes Degen

Head of IT

Philipp Brugger

Philipp Brugger

Head of Administration

Leandra Michel

Leandra Michel

Project manager

Daniel Näf

Daniel Näf

Project Manager

Françoise Jirgens

Françoise Jirgens

Project Manager

Simon Widmer

Simon Widmer

Project Manager

Claudia Stürzinger

Claudia Stürzinger

Project Manager

Lea Naon

Lea Naon

Project manager, Member of the Executive Board

Matthias Wüthrich

Matthias Wüthrich

Project Manager

Patrik Aellig

Patrik Aellig

Partner, Member of the Executive Board

Noemi Muhr

Noemi Muhr

Project Manager

Jenny Wagner

Jenny Wagner

Project Manager

Désirée Gabriel

Désirée Gabriel

Project Manager

Andrea Weigel

Andrea Weigel

Project Manager

Naomi Hayoun

Naomi Hayoun

Project manager

Board of Directors

Martin Rohner

Martin Rohner

Member of the Board of Directors

Sibyl Anwander

Sibyl Anwander

President of the Board of Directors

Marco Grossmann

Marco Grossmann

Partner, Member of the Executive Board


ecos is co-founder and co-owner of Prozirkula GmbH. The young company is committed to circular procurement. It supports public procurement agencies in aligning their activities with the circular economy. Very concrete and practicable.

Antonia Stalder

Antonia Stalder

Executive Director Prozirkula

Miriam Kaufmann

Miriam Kaufmann

Project Manager